Happy Holy Week!
obedient (as in "obedient") adj. : dutifully complying with the commands or instructions of those in authority;)
Lately, I have been focused on teaching children about obedience. I started teaching on Noah. Imagine how long it took him to build that boat. Imagine how long he endured through the pain and strain and mocking. He was able to endure because He trusted God and was motivated by that love. Noah trusted God because He had a relationship with Him. Because of Noah’s obedience, we are here. Magnificent animals roam this earth because of Noah’s obedience. Selah. God created a rainbow to remind us of His great promise to never flood the earth again. In that promise lies the truth of Noah’s obedient heart... God is trustworthy. An obedient heart, that is our desire. One that will trust and follow and DO what God requires of us, the FIRST time He speaks. “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord” -Genesis 6:8
“Noah ... did all that God commanded him” Genesis 6:32
Pray for us to be obedient, to have ears that hear and hearts that obey.
Pray for Team Oklahoma and Team Sadowski arriving in April to serve short term
Pray for favor and wisdom as we teach our classes
Pray for the Zambians we teach, to have heart knowledge and not head knowledge only
Pray for the building project as we begin Phase I of the Conference Center (Butch’s classroom/multi-purpose room)
Would you consider sending a special donation for the development of this Conference Center and Camp TRUST? All donations are tax exempt and you will receive a tax invoice for your gift. We are truly blessed to know that you are praying for us and for your financial gifts. Thank you! May God’s love wash over you today. We serve a RISEN SAVIOR!